Thursday, February 21, 2013

Active Christianity Vs. Mommy Guilt

I'm trying not to become jaded but I fear it's too late.
Seeing what I have seen, the hypocrites in the churchianity community, the pedophiles in the pulpit...
What can I possibly do to keep within the positive?

Sometimes I feel guilty that I don't go to 'church' because I look at my kids and think that they need to develop a spiritual life.
I  think dragging them to a Sunday school where they get treats or can be a part of a Bible verse contest is just a superficial spirituality.

If my kids have learned anything from churchianity, it's that in our case, it was phoney and the congregants were full of lust and the need to be controlling.
So, in many ways I am grateful to not have to battle with that fake life anymore.

If children truly learn more from modeling their parents and others close to them, then I can only pray that they see I have a good relationship with Jesus Christ without the pews, without an altar made by a furniture company and without the sickness that was so pervasive in our IFB church.

I see the power of prayer working on a daily basis and I share that with them. They see me searching the scriptures daily, they hear me discuss the things of God. Isn't that Christianity? To be a follower of Christ? Not a follower of a dogma, a denomination or an individual?

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