Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What Do We Tell The Children?

In my unique situation, I have the blessing of loving God and hanging on to my faith throughout the ordeals I've been through. I have stepped away from the church dogma, but I have not stepped away from my Lord.

For children, the trauma of abuse, plus losing a father (even if he was a devil,) can be hard enough to overcome. Throw in that you no longer attend an organized religious institution, and your children may have an even harder time adapting.

My kids were raised in Fundy churches. They were taught dogmatically that attendance was the way to please God. The older ones were already deadened to the spiritualism that their father the pastor, tried to depict.

The youngest who was the last victim of her dad's abuse (as far as I know) was and is the most spiritual one of them all. She prayed for her father every time we shared a prayer together.She still holds to much of what her early experience in the things of "Churchianity" were.

I don't really know how to be 'Jesus' to my children. I make sure that they see how I read the Bible every morning and that I try to live as moral a life as I can. These are things that I do to help them model behavior later on.

We don't attend any churches around here. None of them fit our biblical understanding and confidentially, I am not interested in being 'involved' right now.I pray for wisdom. I pray for guidance and try to explain to the kids  how I feel about my convictions.

The biggest burn there is, is to be leveled by the ex-husband who really cares only for his own survival. By attacking my reputation publicly, he in turn attacked his own children by closing doors that may have served as portals to fellowship.

Now, my children shun the idea of church, yet they claim to believe in God. That's fine right now. I am also protecting them from those that knew me when and are still bitter against me because they believed the 'pastor'. I will not try to force spirituality down their throats. All I can do now is show that mom still loves Jesus, no matter what!

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