Thursday, July 11, 2013

Turn Fear To Anger...Then Let It Go

Fear was thinking I was going to die while I lay in the back of a van being repeatedly raped.

Fear was thinking I might not see my children with me ever again.

Fear was thinking I might lose my soul-mate because my life was too crazy, chaotic....I was in fear continually!

To my older daughters, fear is thinking they may have to deal with their father once again. 

That he might get them alone.

That he might decide to come in to the restaraunt in which my daughter works in, have a seat and buy a meal and stare at her while she is working.

It was surprising to me that my children exchanged their bewilderment about their father to fear.

Being fearful to the point of emotional bondage serves
no purpose...

I learned a lesson and I have put it into practice:

                                                       FEAR is a waste...

It stunts growth...

It kills the spirit..

It bathes you in paranoia until you shrivel up and disappear.

Take that fear and turn it into ANGER!

Make it loud and long

Tear away at the fabric of fearfulness and allow yourself to replace it with a healthy dose of anger;

for the child within you that has been frightened, needs you to chase the shadows away.

To the pedophile, the abuser, you are just another dependent child. 

That is how he gets you, alone and tired...

Worn down and threatened by his lies.

Show no fear

only rage at the vileness of his or her actions 

and EXPOSE him .

Let the world know about the animal that he  truly is.


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