Now, as a Bible-Believer, non-conformist Christian, my personal attitude is that ANY organized religious group that is denominational, part of the 501c3 non-profit status and cooperative with a wicked government is Anti-Christ. My reasons will be witheld right now because of time and topic. It is sufficient for me to say that I am not playing favorites here, saying one group is better than another.
What I do want to do, is to bring out the similarities of the two aforementioned groups: the Catholics and the Independent Fundamental Baptists. I'll start with the Roman Catholic denomination:
- The Pope is the 'Vicar of Christ' (he stands in Christ's stead)
- Tithing is mandatory in order to be in good standing with the Holy Father
- One should go to Confession faithfully, one should also take part in the Holy Communion afterward
- You can have friendships outside of the faith, as long as you don't marry outside of the faith
- Artificial types of birth control are not allowed
Now let's look at the similarities within an IFB denomination:
- The Pastor is God's man and should never be doubted
- If you don't tithe, you're not right with God
- One should always examine himself/herself for sinning before taking the communion (Lord's supper) or else you might be snuffed out by God for being disobedient.
- No friendships outside of other IFBer's unless your intent is to proselytize
- Birth control is probably ok in some groups as long as it's not talked about. If you are part of a 'quiverful' church, then NO! You must procreate as soon as possible for as long as possible.
The Fundy's also have some faternal-type meetings: Men's Prayer Breakfast, Preacher's School, Men's Fellowship. The women have Ladies' Fellowship, and Ladies' Bible-Study. There are dress-codes: dresses below the knee for the females at home and in church, men should wear suits to church and dress shirts and slacks most other times.
Of course, we know that the Catholic Church has many 'societies' and fraternal organizations: Knights of Columbus, Society of Jesus, Club of Rome, etc. Unless you are a nun or priest, a dress-code is not in place usually.
Both have a corporate approach to their church services. Both have business meetings and trustees or their equivalent.
What does this mean? To me, it means that neither one holds to the meaning of what is called a 'Church' in the New Testament. It's like the pot calling the kettle black. The meaning of FAITH is a belief in something or someone without actually having the tangible proof before you, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."
(Hebrews 11:1-3)
These cultic groups, take similar stands on so many things and forget the church is NOT a denomination,not a business, not a building but it consists of ALL who have accepted Christ as their Lord and have decided to follow Him. The rule book is the Bible, the work is a show of this faith and the LOVE of God and your neighbor is the most important commandment.
If you truly want to be free it seems, then church dogma is all smoke and mirrors. After all, you are not free if you allow someone from a pulpit to decide your fate.
"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."
(John 8:36)
Being in the IFB was like a slow strangulation. You don't notice how tight the rope is until it begins to take your breath away.
I was sold a bill of goods. The goods were corrupt and my mind was full of poison.
I may not have all the answers...but now I know who to listen to.
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